只需2550新币— 这是Osome为外国人在新加坡注册公司所需的的全部费用,包括替您雇佣本地董事,且无需支付保证金(大多数代理商需要保证金,但我们不需要!)全部仅需2550新币。

It is cheaper to hire local directors, unlimited company secretarial services, and no deposit required
Only SGD 2550 -this IS All Expenses AT at The Osome Needs to the Register at The A Company in Singapore for Foreigners , Including Hiring local Directors for you, and IS NO Deposit required (A Deposit MOST Agents need, But WE do not!) It only All Costs SGD 2550.
Our Bonanza package includes company registration, company secretary, registered address and one-year local director. We can help you register your company remotely, assist you in opening a bank account, and provide guidance. Using our registered address means that we will notify you about your correspondence, scan it and send it to you. We can also help you and your family get a work visa. In addition, we also provide more and more extensive services.
First of all, using our one-stop service package can save you 440 SGD. In addition, unlimited company secretarial services cover all the standard resolutions you may need throughout the year. This means that no matter how many changes occur to your company, there will be no additional costs.
Last point, **no deposit required**. For many years, in Singapore, margin has been the industry standard when hiring local directors. Although this is common, it seems unfair to customers. Therefore, we decided to completely cancel the deposit. From now on, you only need to pay an annual fee for using Osome's nominee director service.
We can do this because we automate the process. We are also constantly improving process efficiency, which helps reduce costs, increase productivity, and create better business opportunities for everyone, including you, us, and your customers.
Faced with such a favorable package, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and start your Singapore entrepreneurial journey in 2019!
Bonanza (bənænzə)-opportunity, usually refers to unexpected luck or wealth. From Spanish, it literally means: calm sea, so I wish you all the best.