If your company stops all business activities, it will be considered dormant. This article explains the requirements for dormant companies, the dormant company application process, and how dormant companies submit annual reports.
I can obviously cancel the company, why should I keep the dormant state?
If you want to close the company, you can also write it off. If you do not have any further development plans for the company, and do not want to bear the company's maintenance costs, then canceling the company may be a good solution.
But if you can't rule out using the company again in the future, it's best to consider keeping it dormant. You only need to follow the procedure to apply for dormancy, and only pay a small portion of the retention fee each year. If you have a brand name, license or patent related to the company, you can keep it dormant. After applying for dormancy, you can also use the company to strategically hold investments in Singapore, but you may not be able to earn income from it.
What is a dormant company?
If a company does not have any related business activities, the company will become dormant: for example, you have not sold or bought anything, did not hire anyone, paid no dividends, and have no income. In Singapore, the dormant status application will involve the Singapore Accounting and Enterprise Authority (ACRA) and the Singapore Taxation Authority (IRAS), and their definitions of dormant status are different. You need to meet ACRA's dormant requirements so that you don't have to submit financial statements to them. If you do not want to file a tax return, you must meet the dormancy requirements of the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS). Your company may only be regarded as a dormant company by one of the parties.
ACRA's definition of dormant companies
ACRA will exempt dormant companies from the obligation to submit financial statements and convene annual shareholders' meetings. ACRA's definition of dormant company is: a company that does not have any accounting in a certain period. ACRA will still treat your company as a dormant state even if it is doing the following:
- Appoint company secretary
- Keep registered address, register and account book
- Pay fines or fees to ACRA
IRAS definition of dormant company
The Singapore Inland Revenue Department can exempt dormant companies from the obligation to file tax returns. For them, the most important part of the definition of dormant company is: the company does not have any income. Even if there is expenditure, it will not affect the sleep state.
How do I apply for a dormant company?
- 您的休眠公司不是上市公司或上市公司的子公司
- 履行实际资产测试:总资产不超过50万新币
- 自上一个财政年度结束以来,您的公司一直处于休眠状态
- 公司活跃期间的所有财务报表已提交,所有税款已缴清
- 公司无任何投资。若有投资,该投资不会产生任何收入
- 在未来两年内公司不进行任何商业交易
- 您已取消注册消费税(如适用)
可以,您可以随时重新开始营业。但重新营业后,公司必须在收到收入之日起一个月内通知新加坡税务局(IRAS)。通知税务局实际上就是需要一名公司职员发送电子邮件至[email protected] 并请求一份所得税申报表。以下是新加坡税务局(IRAS)要求邮件包含的内容:
- 邮件标题:“公司重新营业,请求所得税申报表”
- 公司名称和唯一实体编码(UEN)
- 重新营业开始日期以及新增的主要业务(如适用)
- 收到其他来源收入的日期,例如利息、股息、租金等(如适用)
This article was written by Osome professionals. Osome — An online provider of company registration services, secretarial services and accounting services in Singapore. We can help entrepreneurs register and run companies, help companies apply for dormancy, and help companies reopen. You can contact us through the secure chat window and respond quickly 24/7.