- Osome HK
- Customer Stories
Customer Stories
Check out how entrepreneurs got started and how Osome supported them on their journey.
3 stories

Trusted by Osome
entrepreneurs around the world
91%of customers recommend
Osome service
27,000+Osome clients
3,728companies opened
in Hong Kong
4,583Hong Kong companies chose
Osome secretaries
They replied quickly offering immediately useful details. One phone call set the path for my first incorporation. I highly recommend it for other first-timers.
Paolo Porchetti PP E&A LIMITED
I like that I can just post my questions to chat any time of the day, quite unlike having to remember to call within business hours only. For a startup owner working irregular hours, this helps.
Lim Sze-Szan Fiona BodyOwn Pte. Ltd.
One of the best experiences in incorporating a company in Hong Kong.
Beh Huey Ching Jenna FortNynja (HK) Limited
Fully digital, fast, easy to follow, great app. I highly recommend it.
Edwina Jane Barrington Rupert and Bird Limited
They helped me register my company in Hong Kong. I'm very satisfied with their services, flexibility, and reactivity.
Yannick Andre Martial Guyot HK TALENTS Limited
Osome has been extremely proactive, talking me through every step of starting my company. They now take care of my accounting. I love the app, it's so easy to use!
Harriette Foulkes-Arnold We are Contented Pte. Ltd.
I didn’t have to go anywhere to work with Osome, I just used the web and mobile app to sign the docs.
Ivan Zeljkovic Evans Media Pte. Ltd.
I incorporated my own two companies with Osome and now manage them via the platform. I've been very satisfied and recommend Osome to all my friends.
Vlad Shchelkunov BTTR holdings Pte. Ltd.
The staff always answer, and they deal with all the admin on my behalf. So I can simply use my income and not worry about legal and administrative filings.
Pawel Wargan freelancer
It is impressive how fast and responsive they are! I feel very happy about my decision to go with Osome.
Randeep Sudan Multivertz Pte. Ltd.