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  • Osome has been extremely proactive, talking me through every step of starting my company. They now take care of my accounting. I love the app, it's so easy to use!
    Harriette Foulkes-Arnold

    Harriette Foulkes-Arnold We are Contented Ltd.

  • Osome is Awesome! They have provided me with help and support when I have needed it. I highly recommend them.
    Dave Wallace

    Dave Wallace DW4DAYS Ltd.

  • They deal with all the administration on my behalf, meaning that I can simply use my income and not worry about legal and administrative filings.
    Pawel Wargan

    Pawel Wargan freelancer

  • I ended up signing my documents while I was on the tube! It is impressive how fast and responsive they are!
    Randeep Sudan

    Randeep Sudan Multivertz Ltd.

  • I found Osome on Friday and on Monday morning everything was ready. It was fantastic!
    John Lim

    John Lim Artac Ltd.

Our blog

  • Setting Up An Offshore Company in the UK

    Setting Up An Offshore Company in the UK

    Want to set up an offshore company? It’s important to consider all aspects of the process, from your company structure and the jurisdiction to understanding tax liabilities. This article unpacks all you need to know about incorporating a business in an offshore jurisdiction. Shall we get started?

    9 min read

  • Clash Of The (property) Titans: Serviced Accommodation Vs. Buy-to-let

    Clash Of The (property) Titans: Serviced Accommodation Vs. Buy-to-let

    Starting your property investment journey can be overwhelming. This is especially true when you consider there are as many strategies to investing as there are properties on the market. With insights and advice from experts, you can navigate the confusion, and jumpstart your success.

    5 min read

  • Good News for Small Businesses in 2024 as the VAT Registration Threshold Increases

    Good News for Small Businesses in 2024 as the VAT Registration Threshold Increases

    UK Chancellor delivered some good news for small businesses in the 2024 Spring Budget Speech. A lower VAT registration threshold will allow hundreds of businesses room to breathe. Read the Osome article for more.

    2 min read

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