- Osome Blog HK
- What To Do If I Want To Change My Company Name And Information?
What To Do If I Want To Change My Company Name And Information?
- Modified: 8 November 2024
- 6 min read
- Better Business

Rafidah Razak
An internet search enthusiast, Rafidah loves returning the favour by writing helpful articles. She’s spent 6 years doing public outreach for Singapore’s corporate regulator ACRA.
As a live entity, it’s expected that a company will change and evolve throughout its lifespan. So if you want to change your company name, it’s relatively easy to do so in Hong Kong. And if there are other changes happening in your company – such as a change in registered office address, new company director or secretary – you have 15 days to report these changes to the Companies Registry.
In this guide, we’ll explain to you how to file these changes with the authorities.
Key Takeaways
- Changing your company name costs HK$295 and can be done either online or in hard copy. The filing deadline is within 15 days of your shareholders passing the special resolution regarding the proposed name change.
- Updating your company’s registered office address is free of charge and can be done via hard copy only. The filing deadline is within 15 days of the effective date of the change.
- Nominating and ceasing the appointment of a company director or secretary are free of charge and can be done via hard copy only. The filing deadline is within 15 days of the effective date of change.
- Updating the particulars of a company director or secretary is free of charge and can be done via hard copy only. The filing deadline is within 15 days of the effective date of the change.
All the forms that you’ll need to change a company name can be downloaded from the ‘Forms’ section on the Companies Registry website. We’ve also linked them down below.
How To Change A Company Name
If the company name you picked during incorporation is no longer a good fit for your company’s latest activities or brand identity, you can apply to the Companies Registry to have it changed. Here are the steps you’ll need to follow to apply for a change of company name.
To simplify this process, Osome’s company secretarial services can manage all the required paperwork and filings for you, ensuring compliance and saving time. Here are the steps involved when changing your company name.
Step 1: Pick a new company name
Check that it meets the company name guidelines (see below), and hasn’t been taken by or is too similar to an existing company.
Company name guidelines by Companies Registry:
- You can register an English name, a Chinese name, or both an English name and a Chinese name. However, you cannot choose a name which combines English words and letters with Chinese characters.
- English company names must end with the word “Limited” and Chinese company names must end with the characters “有限公司”.
- Chinese company names should contain Traditional Chinese characters (繁體字) that can be found in the Kang Xi Dictionary (康熙字典) or Ci Hai Dictionary (辭海) AND also in the ISO 10646 international coding standard. Simplified Chinese characters are not accepted.
Step 2: Pass a special resolution on the new company name
A special resolution is a document signed by at least 75% of shareholders who agree to the proposed change of company name.
Step 3: Fill out the Form NNC2
Fill out the Form NNC2 "Notice of Change of Company Name'' within 15 days of passing the special resolution. You can file this form online or submit a hard copy to the Companies Registry office in person or via post. The address for both posting and drop-offs is Companies Registry, 14th floor, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong. If posting, you must plan ahead to ensure that the Companies Registry receives your form before the 15 days are up.
The filing fee is HK$295, regardless which method you choose. If posting your application, enclose a cheque and do not send cash.
Step 4: Wait for the Companies Registry to process your request
If it is approved, they will issue you a Certificate of Change of Name in either electronic form or hard copy format, depending on how you submitted your form. This means that your company’s name has been officially changed.
If your change of company name request is rejected, note that you will not receive a refund of the filing fee.
How To Change A Company Address
If you’ve moved to a different office address, you’ll need to promptly update your registered address with the Companies Registry.
Fill up Form NR1 “Notice of Change of Address of Registered Office” and either post it or submit it in person to the Companies Registry for registration within 15 days of change.
The address for both posting and drop-offs is Companies Registry, 14th floor, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong. You must factor in the delivery time and plan ahead to ensure that the Companies Registry receives your form before the 15 days are up.
This filing is free of charge. However, the maximum penalty for late filing is HK$50,000 together with a daily default fine of HK$1,000.
How To Change Company Secretary and Company Director
Over the course of your company’s growth, there may be company directors joining and leaving. The same goes for your company secretary. These changes in appointments are not officially recognised until you’ve filed them with the Companies Registry.
Now, there are several Companies Registry forms that look similar, so be sure that you are filling up and submitting the correct form. Otherwise, you’ll have to go through the hassle of re-submitting the forms.
The forms available are:
- Form ND2A Notice of Change of Company Secretary and Director (Appointment/Cessation)
- Form ND4 Notice of Resignation of Company Secretary and Director
- Form ND5 Notice of Change of Reserve Director (Nomination/Cessation)
- Form ND8 Notice of Resignation of Reserve Director
You can either post the form or submit it in person to the Companies Registry within 15 days of the change. The address for both posting and drop-offs is Companies Registry, 14th floor, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong. If posting, you must plan ahead to ensure that the Companies Registry receives your form before the 15 days are up.
This filing is free of charge. However, if you exceed the deadline, the maximum penalty is HK$25,000 for each late filing breach together with a daily default fine of HK$700.
Difference between “cessation” and “resignation”
Use the resignation form only if you are the company director or secretary who is leaving the company and you have reasons to believe that the company will not be filing a cessation notice on your behalf.
For all other cases, it would be more appropriate to use “Form ND2A Notice of Change of Company Secretary and Director (Appointment/Cessation)”.
Who is a “reserve director”?
If you are the sole director and only shareholder of your company, you may appoint a reserve director who will act on your behalf to continue managing the company in the event you pass away.
To nominate or change your reserve director, use “Form ND5 Notice of Change of Reserve Director (Nomination/Cessation)”.
How To Update Changes in Company Directors’ and Company Secretary’s Particulars
As a company director or secretary, you must inform the Companies Registry if there are changes to any of your following particulars:
- Name
- Alias
- (For company secretaries) Correspondence address, must be a Hong Kong address
- (For company directors) Residential address, can be a non-Hong Kong address
- E-mail address
- Hong Kong identity card number
- Passport number
To do so, fill up the Form ND2B Notice of Change in Particulars of Company Secretary and Director.
If you are the reserve director of a company, fill up the Form ND7 Notice of Change in Particulars of Reserve Director instead.
You can either post the form or submit it in person to the Companies Registry within 15 days of change. The address for both posting and drop-offs is Companies Registry, 14th floor, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong. If posting, you must plan ahead to ensure that the Companies Registry receives your form before the 15 days are up.
This filing is free of charge. However, note that the penalty for late filing can go up to HK$25,000 for each breach together with a daily default fine of HK$700.
With Osome’s professional company secretarial services, you can streamline the entire process of a change of company name, from paperwork to timely submissions, letting you focus on growing your business while we handle the formalities.
Changing your company name in Hong Kong involves submitting a special resolution and filing Form NNC2 within 15 days, with a fee of HK$295. Additional changes, such as updates to the registered office address or particulars of directors and secretaries, must also be reported within 15 days, though some filings are free. It’s crucial to ensure all updates are timely to maintain compliance with regulations.