Natalia AsaulAuthor

Natalia Asaul

Natalia majored in International Journalism and speaks 4 languages. In her free time, Natalia enjoys reading movie scripts, painting portraits, and lifting weights.

A collection of 5 posts

Understanding Singapore  Business Insurance
Better Business

Understanding Singapore Business Insurance

Business is fraught with dangers, and all dangers, from fires to lawsuits, can lead to a financial disaster. You can’t guarantee bad things won’t happen to you, but you can minimize the damage — with the right insurance policy.

·5 min read
Singapore Personal Income Tax Rates 2021 & How They Work
Money Talk

Singapore Personal Income Tax Rates 2021 & How They Work

We break down Singapore income tax rates and how they apply to foreigners and locals. We will do some counting, so grab your calculators and let’s go!

·5 min read
Singapore Companies Don’t Pay Capital Gains Tax - True or False?
Money Talk

Singapore Companies Don’t Pay Capital Gains Tax - True or False?

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is the money you are to pay to the state when selling something valuable with profit. Singapore does not tax capital gains — in most cases. If you suspect that your situation might be an exception, read on.

·4 min read
What You Need To Know About Singapore Accounting Standards
Money Talk

What You Need To Know About Singapore Accounting Standards

We explain what the international framework for financial reporting is all about and help you understand which of the standards apply to your particular company.

·5 min read
How To Report About Your Business Activity Type
Better Business

How To Report About Your Business Activity Type

As a rule, people starting companies already know what they’ll be doing. The authorities want to know, too, so they ask every entrepreneur about it. Let’s figure out how to decide on the answer and what rules to follow.

·2 min read

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