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  2. Applying for the Certificate of Residence (COR) in Singapore

Applying for the Certificate of Residence (COR) in Singapore

Author Gabi Bellairs-LombardGabi Bellairs-Lombard

6 min read
Better Business

Applying for the Certificate of Residence (COR) in Singapore is essential for foreigners seeking tax benefits and exemptions. This article provides a step-by-step guide to help individuals navigate through the COR application process and ensure compliance with the tax regulations in Singapore.

Applying for the Certificate of Residence (COR) in Singapore

The Singapore Certificate of Residence (COR) confirms tax residency status for individuals and companies in Singapore issued by the Inland Revenue Authority.

Singapore is a thriving hub for businesses and individuals seeking new opportunities and a favourable tax environment. One of the key factors that contribute to Singapore's attractiveness is its Certificate of Residence (COR). In this article, we will explore what the COR is, its advantages and disadvantages, the eligibility and requirements for obtaining it, the application process, its implications in terms of tax residency and double taxation treaties, the renewal and validity of the COR, and how foreign companies and individuals can benefit from it. So, if you're considering applying for the COR in Singapore, keep reading to find out more!

What Is the Certificate of Residence (COR)?

The Certificate of Residence is an official document issued by the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) that certifies an individual or company's residency status in Singapore, crucial for citizenship application. It serves as proof that the holder is a tax resident in Singapore and is eligible to claim benefits under the various tax treaties that Singapore has signed with other countries. This document is highly sought after by both individuals and companies seeking to reduce their tax liabilities and optimize their international tax planning strategies.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Having COR

The Certificate of Residence (COR) is a significant document for individuals in Singapore, especially for foreign residents and professionals.


Obtaining the COR comes with several advantages. Firstly, it provides certainty regarding your tax residency status, which is important when dealing with cross-border transactions and taxation matters. It also lets you enjoy the benefits of Singapore's extensive network of double taxation treaties, which can help you avoid or minimise withholding taxes on income earned from overseas sources. Additionally, having the COR may enhance your credibility as a resident taxpayer and facilitate business dealings with foreign parties.


However, it's important to be aware of the potential disadvantages as well. The COR is subject to renewal, and failure to renew it may result in the loss of tax benefits associated with tax treaties. The application process can also be complex and time-consuming, requiring thorough documentation and compliance with the respective requirements. Lastly, while the COR can be a valuable tool for tax planning, its misuse or abuse may result in serious consequences, including penalties or criminal charges. Therefore, it is crucial to fully understand the responsibilities and obligations of holding the COR.

Eligibility and Requirements

To be eligible for the COR, individuals and companies must meet certain criteria. For individuals, you need to be a tax resident in Singapore. This means that you must have stayed or worked in Singapore for at least 183 days in a calendar year or have shown an intention to make Singapore your permanent home. Companies must be incorporated in Singapore and have their management and control exercisable in Singapore.

When applying for the COR, you must provide supporting documents such as your passport, employment pass, or other relevant identification documents. Companies must submit their financial statements, tax returns, and other relevant documents as the IRAS requires. It is advisable to consult with a tax professional or seek guidance from the IRAS directly to ensure that you meet all the eligibility criteria and have the necessary documents in order before submitting your application.

Application Process

Applying for the Certificate of Residence (COR) in Singapore involves several key steps to ensure a smooth and successful application. By following these steps diligently, applicants can obtain the COR, which is essential for certain tax benefits and exemption purposes.

Step 1: Determine eligibility

Before starting the application process, it is crucial to determine if you are eligible for the Certificate of Residence (COR). Generally, foreigners who have been employed in Singapore for at least 183 days in the previous year are eligible for the COR. Additionally, individuals under specific tax schemes may also qualify. Checking your eligibility beforehand will save time and effort during the application.

Step 2: Gather required documents

Once eligibility is confirmed, the next step is to gather all the necessary documents for the application. Commonly required documents include a valid passport, employment contract, and proof of residential address in Singapore. Additional documents may be required depending on the applicant's circumstances, so it is essential to check the specific requirements from the relevant authorities.

Step 3: Complete application form

With the documents in hand, applicants must complete the Certificate of Residence (COR) application form. The form can typically be downloaded from the official website of the tax authority or obtained in person. It is crucial to provide accurate and up-to-date information to avoid delays or complications during application processing.

Step 4: Submit application

After filling out the application form and gathering all the required documents, applicants must submit the complete package to the relevant tax authority. Submission methods may vary, but it is common to do this in person at designated service centres or online through the tax portal. Once the application is submitted, the processing period will begin, and applicants should keep track of their application status.

Step 5: Receive COR

Upon successfully processing the application, applicants will receive the Certificate of Residence (COR), which is important for obtaining a share certificate in Singapore. This document certifies their tax residency status in Singapore for the relevant year. It is essential to keep the COR safe and readily accessible, as it may be required for various official transactions, such as tax filing or claiming tax benefits.

Step 6: Renewal (if applicable)

If the Certificate of Residence (COR) is issued for a specific validity period and you plan to continue working or residing in Singapore beyond that period, you must apply for renewal. The renewal process allows individuals to maintain their tax residency status in Singapore, ensuring continued eligibility for tax benefits and exemptions.

Tax Residency and Double Taxation Treaties

The Central Registration Office (COR) is vital in deciding if an individual or company is a tax resident in Singapore, affecting their responsibility to pay withholding tax. Being a tax resident in Singapore allows you to benefit from Singapore's attractive tax regime, which includes low corporate tax rates, the absence of capital gains tax, and various incentives for businesses and individuals.

In addition, Singapore has entered into numerous double-taxation treaties with other countries. These bilateral agreements aim to prevent or mitigate the double taxation of income that may arise when a taxpayer is subject to tax in both Singapore and another jurisdiction. The COR is an essential requirement for claiming the benefits provided by these tax treaties. It allows you to enjoy reduced or eliminated withholding taxes on various types of income, such as dividends, interest, royalties, and capital gains.

Renewal and Validity

The Certificate of Residence (COR) in Singapore has a specified validity period, typically for one year from the date of issuance. As this validity period approaches its end, it is essential to be aware of the renewal procedures and validity extensions to ensure continuous tax residency status.

Renewal procedures for expired COR

For those seeking to renew an expired Certificate of Residence (COR), the process may be similar to the initial application. Applicants must re-assess their eligibility and gather the updated required documents. The renewal application should be submitted before the expiration of the current COR to avoid any gaps in tax residency status.

Validity period and extensions

As mentioned earlier, the COR is usually valid for one year from the date of issuance. However, in some cases, extensions to the validity period may be granted.

Extensions are generally considered for individuals with ongoing work or residential commitments in Singapore beyond the initial validity period. To apply for an extension, applicants must follow specific procedures set by the tax authority and provide valid reasons for needing an extension.

COR for Foreign Companies and Individuals

The COR is relevant to Singapore-resident individuals and companies and foreign individuals and companies conducting business or investing in Singapore, including those seeking company incorporation for foreigners. Foreign companies may apply for the COR if they have a substantial presence in Singapore and meet certain requirements set out by the IRAS. Similarly, foreign individuals who meet the eligibility criteria for tax residency can also apply for the COR to benefit from Singapore's attractive tax regime and tax treaties.

It is worth noting that each application for the COR is assessed on a case-by-case basis, and the specific requirements may vary depending on the circumstances. Therefore, consulting with a tax professional or seeking guidance from the IRAS for accurate and up-to-date information on the eligibility criteria and requirements for foreign companies and individuals is advisable.


The Certificate of Residence (COR) is a valuable document that certifies an individual or company's tax residency in Singapore. It provides various benefits, including access to Singapore's network of double taxation treaties, reduced withholding taxes, and a favourable tax environment. However, obtaining and maintaining the COR requires careful consideration of eligibility criteria, adherence to the application process, and compliance with the relevant requirements. To make the most of the COR and ensure a smooth application process, it is advisable to seek professional advice and guidance from qualified tax experts or the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS). By taking these steps, you can optimise your tax planning strategies and fully capitalise on the benefits of the COR in Singapore.

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