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25 Realistic Strategies to Earn Money Online in 2024

  • Published: 23 April 2024
  • 17 min read
  • Ecommerce
25 Realistic Strategies to Earn Money Online in 2024
  • Author Gabi Bellairs-Lombard

    Gabi Bellairs-Lombard

    Business Writer

    Gabi's passionate about creating content that inspires. Her work history lies in writing compelling website copy and content, and now specialises in product marketing copy. When writing content, Gabi's priority is ensuring that the words impact the readers. As the voice of Osome's products and features, Gabi makes complex business finance and accounting topics easy to understand for small business owners.

Wondering how to make money online? Look no further. We’ve distilled 25 realistic strategies into a no-nonsense guide designed to help you monetise your skills and passions. From ecommerce to freelancing, each method is unpacked with clarity and focus, directly addressing the opportunities and actionable steps available to you. Expect practical advice, not lofty promises, as you journey through the various means to supplement or even replace your income online.

Key Takeaways

  • Embrace the digital era by leveraging diverse digital platform, from dropshipping to blogging, and generate income based on your personal interests and expertise.
  • Online freelancing platforms like Fiverr and Upwork offer a world of opportunities across various domains such as writing, graphic design, and web development, catering to different skill levels.
  • The internet offers avenues for both active and passive income, from immediate freelance gigs to long-term investments like stocks, illustrating the vast potential of the online economic landscape.

How Do I Make Money Online: 25 Ways

The digital era has revolutionised the way we work, play, and, most notably, make money. Making money online fast isn’t a mythical quest; it’s a reality for many who’ve adapted to the rhythm of the internet’s ever-changing tune. From leveraging online marketplaces to transforming hobbies into hustles, to tapping into the global platforms to sell goods and services, the internet is a fertile ground for the enterprising spirit. With tools at your fingertips and a solid internet connection, the only question that remains is, “Which path will you choose?”

To help you navigate this world, we’ve compiled an FAQ section for your convenience. Additionally, our ecommerce accountants are ready to assist you in managing your finances effectively as you grow your online business.

This guide doesn’t just present options; it offers a starting point for every level of expertise and ambition, igniting ideas that can resonate with your personal goals and capabilities.

1 Start a dropshipping business

Start a dropshipping business

The allure of doing business online lies in its flexibility and potential for scalability, and starting a dropshipping business embodies these traits perfectly. Imagine having a virtual storefront where you can sell products without ever touching inventory or fretting over shipping logistics. That’s the beauty of dropshipping—a direct selling business model where you act as a middleman between suppliers and customers. By establishing your own ecommerce store and integrating it with a dropshipping app, you gain access to a plethora of suppliers ready to ship products directly to your customers upon purchase.

But what makes dropshipping stand out among profitable online business ideas?For starters, you can:

  • Set up your online store in a matter of hours
  • The upkeep is minimal once you’re up and running
  • Your task is to curate products, market your store and provide exceptional customer service—the rest is handled by your suppliers

It’s a streamlined approach that paves the way for you to start making money online with relative ease and low upfront investment.

2 Open an ecommerce store

If the thought of running your own online store excites you, dropshipping is just the tip of the iceberg. You can take the reins completely by opening an ecommerce store that’s all yours. Selecting a platform such as Shopify for a hassle-free setup or integrating WooCommerce with your WordPress site grants you the freedom to sell a wide array of products, from fashion to electronics.

You may choose to handle inventory yourself or employ business models such as white-labeling, which involves selling products manufactured by others, under your brand. The key to a successful online store is not only the products you choose but also the digital marketing strategies you implement. Sophisticated ad tools can pinpoint your ideal demographics and help you drive sales, making your business profitable.

Whether you’re selling handmade crafts or sourced items, your own ecommerce store on your own website is a canvas for your entrepreneurial spirit to flourish.

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3 Start a blog

Start a blog

Can you imagine a more fulfilling way to make money online than sharing your passion with the world? Starting a blog allows you to do just that. It’s not just about writing; it’s about creating a community, offering value, and establishing authority in your chosen niche. Choosing a blogging platform, securing a catchy domain name and crafting a content strategy should be your first steps toward making money online through blogging.

The monetisation of your blog can come through various avenues, including:

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Selling digital or physical products
  • Creating subscription-based content
  • Generating advertising revenue by placing ads on your site

As your blog grows, so does your opportunity to earn passive income. By sharpening your SEO skills and leveraging email marketing, you can attract a steady stream of visitors who are ready to engage with your content—and your affiliate links. All you need is a few hours a day.

4 Affiliate marketing

Speaking of affiliate marketing, this performance-based venture is a golden key to the 'make money online' treasure chest. As an affiliate marketer, you promote products or services and earn a commission for each sale made through your unique affiliate link. It’s a symbiotic relationship—you help businesses reach a wider audience, and they reward you for it. With an affiliate marketing program like Amazon Associates or Lazada offering competitive commissions, potential earnings can be substantial.

The path to becoming a successful affiliate marketer starts with identifying your niche and connecting with affiliate networks or programs that align with your content. Whether you write detailed product reviews on a blog or create viral videos for your YouTube channel, your goal is to build trust with your audience. By creating authentic and helpful promotional content, you’re not just making money online; you’re enhancing the online shopping experience for others.

5 Freelancing opportunities

The freelance economy has blossomed, offering myriad opportunities to earn money online. Freelancers can offer their skills in:

  • writing
  • graphic design
  • programming
  • and countless other fields

Freelancers often earn a handsome amount per project. The beauty of freelancing lies in its flexibility—you can take on projects that resonate with your expertise and work on your own schedule.

Freelance websites like Fiverr, Toptal, and Upwork are bustling marketplaces where clients and freelancers converge. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the freelance world, these platforms can connect you with potential clients from all over the globe. As you build your portfolio and reputation, the opportunities to make more money and secure long-term contracts will naturally follow.

6 Content writing

Content writing

Dive into the world of words and earn money online as a freelance writing professional. This specialised branch of freelancing involves crafting articles, blog posts, and other written content for clients across the globe. Content writing is not just about stringing words together; it’s about storytelling, educating and engaging readers.

In Singapore, content writers have the advantage of local platforms like Writer’s Bloc and Cultjobs which specifically cater to the writing community. To stand out, focus on a specific niche—be it tech, travel, or health—that can help you carve out a reputation as an expert and attract clients who value your specialised knowledge.

7 Graphic design

Visual appeal is paramount in the digital realm, and this is where graphic designers shine. Offering services like logo creation, website design, or social media graphics can turn your artistic flair into a profitable business. With an average hourly rate of almost $30, freelance graphic designers are in high demand, making this a lucrative avenue for making money online.

Singaporean designers have access to platforms like DesignCrowd.sg that connect them with clients in need of custom work. Emphasising your unique style and versatility as a designer will help you stand out in a competitive market and secure projects that align with your creative vision.

8 Web development

Transform lines of code into digital masterpieces as a freelance web developer. The demand for sleek, functional websites is ever-present, making web development a highly sought-after skill. Whether you’re an expert in JavaScript, Python, or Ruby, you can find clients who need your expertise to bring their online presence to life.

Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr are popular spots for developers to showcase their services and connect with clients. Moreover, with an average salary of over $50,000 a year and an industry growth rate of 16%, web development is not just a job—it’s a promising and rewarding career.

9 Become a virtual assistant

Become a virtual assistant

The role of a virtual assistant (VA) is akin to being the backbone of a business, albeit remotely. VAs tackle a variety of tasks, from administrative support to managing social media platforms, all from the comfort of their own homes. It’s an ideal position for those who possess strong organisational skills and a knack for multitasking.

In Singapore, platforms like JobStreet and JobsDB are excellent sources for finding VA jobs. Starting as a VA can be as simple as taking online surveys or selling items on Facebook Marketplace and gradually building experience that can lead to more complex and higher-paying roles.

10 Become an online tutor

Empower others through education as an online tutor. With the e-learning market set to reach $319 billion by 2029, there’s a vast opportunity to teach and tutor people online. Whether you’re an expert in a school subject or proficient in a language, online tutoring allows you to share your knowledge and earn extra money online.

Platforms like SmileTutor in Singapore connect tutors with students in need of academic assistance. Moreover, creating and selling your own online courses on platforms like Udemy can further enhance your earning potential, allowing you to reach a global audience eager to learn.

11 Create online courses

Take your expertise to the next level by creating online courses. This venture requires you to craft a curriculum around a subject you’re passionate about and to produce high-quality content that educates and engages learners.

Selling courses on your website offers higher profitability, as you won’t have to share revenues with marketplace platforms. Utilising advanced features and marketing tools provided by platforms like LearnWorlds can streamline the process, helping you host, market and sell your online course efficiently.

12 Become a streamer

Imagine turning your hobby into a full-fledged career by becoming a streamer. Platforms like Twitch, YouTube, and Instagram offer the stage to share live video content, stream video games or just chatting. By honing in on a niche, streamers can build an audience and monetise their passion through ads and sponsorships.

Streaming isn’t just about entertainment; it’s about creating a community and connecting with like-minded individuals. As your audience grows, so do the opportunities to earn a steady income, making it a great money making idea.

13 Invest in stocks

Invest in stocks

Investing in stocks, particularly dividend stocks, is a path to earning money online that can pay dividends—literally. When you invest in dividend stocks, you’re looking at a company’s stability and profitability, and in return, you receive regular dividend payments. It’s a way to create a passive income stream while potentially seeing capital growth through stock price appreciation.

While this method requires a solid understanding of the stock market and a careful selection of stocks, the rewards can be significant. Not only do dividends provide a steady stream of income, but they also offer insight into a company’s financial health. It’s a strategy that calls for a long-term perspective and a diversified investment approach, such as through dividend-paying ETFs.

14 Selling through marketplaces

Online marketplaces like Amazon and Poshmark have opened up new avenues for entrepreneurs to reach a global audience. Whether you’re interested in selling your own creations or reselling items for a profit, these platforms provide the exposure you need to make your mark.

For creative minds, selling through online marketplaces can be especially rewarding. You can sell digital assets, like websites and mobile apps, on platforms like Flippa.com or design and sell print-on-demand products. By tapping into these marketplaces, you can transform your creative ideas into a profitable business.

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15 Sell digital assets

The digital landscape is rich with opportunities to sell digital assets such as ebooks, courses and graphic designs. What’s more, once you’ve created these assets, they can be sold repeatedly, providing a scalable and a potential passive source of income.

By using platforms like BigCommerce, you can sell your digital products with features that enhance the customer experience. For a freelance graphic designer, marketplaces such as Envato and Creative Market are goldmines for selling their designs. And for those with a knack for writing, ebooks can be a great starting point due to their low overhead costs and high demand.

16 Sell services on Fiverr or Upwork

Sell services on Fiverr or Upwork

Fiverr and Upwork have become synonymous with the gig economy, offering freelancers a platform to connect with clients in need of their services. Whether you’re a writer, designer, or developer, these platforms are springboards for selling your services and starting to make money online.

The key to success on these platforms is to build a strong profile, deliver quality work, and gather positive reviews. Offer competitive pricing and an upfront fee structure to attract your first clients. As your reputation grows, you can increase your rates and even find long-term contracts or repeat clients.

17 Become an influencer

One of the most dynamic ways to earn money online is through influencer marketing. It has become increasingly popular for individuals to monetise their online presence through collaborations with brands. By cultivating a personal brand and creating engaging content, influencers can monetise their online presence through partnerships and sponsorships.

Choosing the right social media account is critical to matching your content type and audience. Engaging with your followers and using live videos to connect in real-time can significantly increase your ‘know, like, and trust’ factor. Monetisation comes in various forms, from direct brand agreements to platforms like Patreon, and the earning potential is often tied to the size of your audience and engagement levels.

18 Manage social media accounts

Social media management is a strategic avenue for making money online, especially for those with a knack for digital marketing. Creating a social media strategy, generating consistent content, and engaging with an audience are the cornerstones of successful social media practices.

By using analytics tools to track performance and automate reporting, social media managers can:

  • Adapt their strategies based on real-time data
  • Gain insights into audience demographics and behaviour
  • Measure the success of campaigns and content
  • Identify trends and opportunities for growth
  • Optimise social media profiles and content for maximum engagement

This role requires a blend of creativity and analytical skills and positioning yourself as an essential asset for businesses looking to enhance their online presence.

19 Take surveys online

Take online surveys

Taking online surveys is a flexible way to earn extra cash. Companies value consumer opinions and are willing to compensate participants with points, gift cards, or cash for their time and insights.

To maximise earnings, join survey site loyalty programs, take advantage of referral programs and sign up for multiple legitimate survey sites. Be consistent and honest in your responses and manage your time effectively to make the most of this opportunity. Just don't forget to read the fine print carefully before you sign up.

20 User testing

User testing is a unique way to make money online by providing feedback on websites and applications. Platforms like UserTesting connect testers with companies seeking user insights and compensates participants for their valuable feedback.

To participate, you’ll need to meet certain technical requirements and pass a practice test. Then, you can start taking tests, which are continuously updated with opportunities from a diverse range of companies worldwide. Payments are typically issued two weeks after the completion of a test, making it a straightforward way to earn additional income.

21 Remote customer service

Offering remote customer service is another pathway to earning money online. As a remote customer service representative, you’ll handle a variety of customer interactions, ranging from taking orders to answering queries and processing complaints.

The salary for remote customer service positions in Singapore can vary, but the role provides:

  • Flexibility
  • Convenience of working from home
  • Competitive pay
  • Opportunity to be part of a company’s support system from anywhere in the world.

22 Sell photography online

Sell photography online

Photographers have a unique opportunity to make money online by selling their work. Whether you’re using the latest smartphone or a professional DSLR, you can sell your photos as prints or digital downloads.

Partner with a local printer or invest in a quality printer to offer signed and numbered prints. Alternatively, sell your photos directly to customers through your website, tapping into the market for unique and high-quality imagery.

23 Become a translator

If you are fluent in more than one language, becoming a translator can be a lucrative way to make money online. Highlight your language skills and experience in your portfolio or resume to attract translation jobs.

The demand for translators spans various industries, from document translation to facilitating remote conversations. By capitalising on your bilingual abilities, you can tap into a diverse range of opportunities and turn your language skills into a profitable online venture.

24 Start your podcast

Podcasting has become a popular medium for:

  • storytelling
  • comedy
  • news
  • opinions

With an audience predicted to grow to more than 500 million by the end of 2024, starting a podcast presents a significant opportunity to make money online.

If you have a great voice and a particular interest or talent, podcasting allows you to create content on your own schedule and monetise it through various channels. Sponsorships, product promotions to sell products, or listener support can all contribute to your podcast’s success and profitability.

25 Narrate audiobooks

Audiobook narration is an emerging field for those with a good voice and a passion for storytelling. As an audiobook narrator, you can make money online by:

  • Bringing books to life through your narration
  • Recording and editing audio files
  • Collaborating with authors and publishers
  • Marketing and promoting your work
  • Building a portfolio and reputation in the industry

Building a good reputation is crucial, and you can find work on audiobook marketplaces like ACX, Bunny Studio, or Voices. With organisation and professionalism, you can meet deadlines and provide quality narrations that captivate listeners.

How To Make Money Online?

The journey to making money online is as varied as the individuals embarking on it. From the creativity of designing and selling art to the technical mastery of web development, the paths are many, and each carries its own set of rewards and challenges. Whether you’re drawn to the immediacy of freelance gigs or the long-term growth potential of investing in stocks, the online world is brimming with opportunities for earning more money.

The key to success is finding the strategy that aligns with your skills, interests, and lifestyle. With the right approach and a commitment to growth, each of these methods can be a stepping stone to financial freedom and professional fulfilment. All it takes is an internet connection, a dash of determination and the willingness to explore the possibilities that lie before you.


As we’ve navigated through these 25 realistic strategies to make money online, it’s clear that the digital landscape is a dynamic and diverse arena for earning potential. From established methods like ecommerce and blogging to emerging trends in podcasting and audiobook narration, the opportunities to generate income online are limited only by your imagination and willingness to take action. Whether you seek supplemental income or aspire to build an online empire, the tools and platforms available today make it more feasible than ever.

One more essential thing to do as a freelancer is to understand your tax obligations. Tax season can get confusing and frustrating if you are self-employed or a freelancer. To simplify things, you can turn to Osome.

At Osome, we offer advice and tools you can use to streamline your finances. Organise personal expenses, upload receipts, label your spending and stay compliant with no hassle. Leverage our expertise to help lock in more returns and tax deductions today.

Author Gabi Bellairs-Lombard
Gabi Bellairs-LombardBusiness Writer

Gabi's passionate about creating content that inspires. Her work history lies in writing compelling website copy and content, and now specialises in product marketing copy. When writing content, Gabi's priority is ensuring that the words impact the readers. As the voice of Osome's products and features, Gabi makes complex business finance and accounting topics easy to understand for small business owners.

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  • How can I make $100 a day from home online?

    You can earn $100 a day from home by offering freelance services, earning commission through affiliate marketing, trading in the stock market, driving for Uber/Lyft, renting a room on Airbnb, or monetising a blog or YouTube channel. It's possible to achieve this extra income with effort and creativity through various online opportunities.

  • How do I earn $100 per month online?

    You can easily earn $100 per month online by taking surveys, getting paid for searching the internet, starting a blog or website, reviewing apps or online sites for cash and exploring affiliate marketing opportunities. These are all effective methods to generate income online without significant investment.

  • How do I make money online legally?

    You can make money online legally through freelance jobs, starting a YouTube channel,d dropshipping, online surveys, freelance writing jobs, ad revenue from your blog and other opportunities such as virtual tutoring and web development. Consider these options and choose the ones that best fit your skills and interests.

  • How can I make money fast in Singapore?

    You can make money fast in Singapore by leveraging freelance platforms like Upwork and Fiverr, selling photos on platforms like Shutterstock and Getty Images and utilising local platforms such as Carousell and Lazada to sell handmade goods. Another option is to offer freelance services like personal shopping or content creation for social media. Many of these can be done in less than an hour and yes, you can still keep that full time job!

  • What is the most important factor to consider when starting an online business?

    The most important factor when starting online businesses is choosing a business model that aligns with your interests, skills and time, and having a clear plan for reaching and serving your customers. Understanding your target market is crucial too. Good luck with your venture!

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