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  2. Business Vocabulary
  3. Company Profile

Company Profile

Company Profile in Singapore — an overview of the company’s key characteristics. It is required by ACRA for the incorporation of a Singapore company. The company’s profile includes, for example, its name, registration number, etc. See below a company profile template and a company profile sample.

A Singapore company profile example: Cupcake Guru Pte Ltd

What to include in a company profile?

Basic entity information such as registration number (UEN), company name, business activities, registration date and also information of position holders or business owners.

Business Name: Cupcake Guru Pte. Ltd.

Business Address: 80 Robinson Road, #08-01, Singapore 068898

Email: [email protected]

Tel: +111-222-333

General Business information: Cupcake Guru Pte Ltd is a homemade cupcakes atelier.We bake cupcakes to order from responsibly sourced ingredients and offer vegan, gluten and dairy free options. We cater to large events such as weddings, birthdays, and business meetings, and offer tailored designs. The business has been operating for 6 months with monthly revenue at an average S$40,000. We currently employ 4 people, and have a capacity to bake up to 300 cupcakes daily, an amount that can be easily doubled.

Company Strategy as part of company profile

  • Purpose: To be the brand name for the best dessert in the country.
  • Vision: To provide an experience that is sustainable, joyous and inspiring.
  • Mission statement: To become a part of our customers’ happy moments and support them with great experience, flavor and design.
  • Core values: • Responsible sourcing • Perfect execution • Making our community better
  • Scope of Work: we develop individual designs, bake the cupcakes, deliver them to the clients, and cater the events.
  • Financial Considerations: The company expects to reach profitability by the end of its first year.
  • Plans for Development: we intend to add 2 more employees over the course of the next 6 months, and increase the production space to add one more oven. This will allow us to double the capacity to 600 cupcakes a day, sustaining healthy growth into another year. The next step would be expanding the product line to include cakes to order, a step we expect to make in a year when we have established regular customer base.

How to write a good business profile

  • Make it short and to the point
  • Include hard data: numbers, financials, and timelines
  • Include sift data: mission and vision
  • Do not exaggerate or omit data
  • Keep you profile up-to-date
  • Check the formatting required for the purpose of your profile

How to check a company profile in Singapore

Sometimes it's important to verify the business as it prevents you from partnering with the wrong company.

Here are your steps:

  • Go to ACRA’S free online directory search platform
  • Type in the name of the company you want to verify
  • You will need to verify yourself through the  CAPTCHA form
  • Done! You will get all the information you need.

Author Osome Content TeamOsome Content Team

2 min readJan 28, 2020

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